Online library borrowing courtesy of Tower Hamlets and the London Library Consortium

After having my library membership suspended for lack of use, I applied again for membership today, specifically to be able to borrow ebooks for my Nook (note that Kindle owners need not bother), to avoid the need to physically go to the library (I don't want to spoil the magic of going to get recycling bags).

When I got home, I logged on to the e-library website I was somewhat surprised by what was promoted on the front page.

'Cock tales' and 'Bedding Lord Ned' are just two of the 'immediately available' titles. I'm not a prude but I find the balance of books very interesting but disappointing in respect to their literary (or commercial) merit. I don't know whether this a matter of supply or demand, but it's a slightly more liberal selection that I expected. I do think that it might be sensible to include some form of adult content filter - a curious young mind is not being immediately drawn to works of high literature, or more importantly, age appropriate content.

I could of course be being unfair, so I may review one to see if there is a vein of literature which has hitherto been left unnoticed by me. 

One further observation - neither of the next two books for bookclub are available on the elibrary, and the only previous book I found was the out of copyright 'The Picture of Dorian Gray'.


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